Sunday, March 14, 2010

I'm Always Willing to Learn When You've Got Something to Teach

Where have I been?
Why is this blog lacking in new projects?
Well, last week I started my internship at Cinderella Cakes! It has been cake decorating boot camp, and I love it! I spent my first few days icing cakes, and let me tell you that is an art form in itself and it's pretty much basic training. Then, I made it back into my comfort zone and have been working with fondant. Although this is not my favorite cake that came out of this bakery, it shows almost everything I've been up to...

I can make those numbers, the confetti and the balls lining the bottom of the cake like a mad person now.

I've really already learned so much at this bakery. Even though I am exhausted at the end of my day, I am having so much fun. It has just proven to me that this is actually something I could do, and I would enjoy doing it. Plus, I've gotten to meet some pretty amazing people who are so helpful and so willing to teach. I'm looking forward to seeing where this all goes!

1 comment:

  1. AHHHH!!! I can't wait for you to make my cake someday!! Absolutely talented, miss Amy!! I need to be following you more often... and I think I'll stop by your work to visit quick today! :)
