Tuesday, February 23, 2010

No, I Already Graduated

In December, my roommate Emily graduated from Biola University with a degree in art-emphasis in photography. Since I know exactly how lack of sleep difficult and pull out your stressful it is to get that degree, I knew she deserved a big fat awesome cake. This cake was the baby made by the love of my two worlds- art and photography.

Emily is now an art teacher in Lancaster.
I'm so proud of you Em!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

They Say it's Your Birthday

Julie, from Long Beach, contacted me to make a cake for her brother's 60th birthday party tomorrow. The party is going to be fiesta themed, so I went for all of the normal party cliches: sombrero, maracas...you know what I'm talking about...and I was pretty excited about how it turned out. I even got to use edible glitter! What more could a girl ask for? Happy Birthday Mike!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brothers and Sisters, It's the Time of Your Lives

Erin is a dear, dear friend of mine. About a month ago, her little brother Brian left for Kentucky to begin basic training for the army. Before he left, they decided to give their parents the most wonderful Christmas present parents could ever ask for...pictures of their kids. So, we headed out to their old elementary school and then to Huntington Beach, both being their old stomping grounds, and came up with these.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Love's Lookin' Good on You

Way back in November, I had the pleasure of taking engagement pictures for one of my best friends, Angelina and her fiance Grant. These two have been together for over two years now, but it was not until last year that I really got to know Grant and see how wonderfully fun their relationship is. They are one of those "they're just too cute" kind of couples where you can visibly see them light up when they are around each other. (I'm not just saying that) We headed up to Oak Glenn where the sun was surprisingly cooperative after an hour or so. Here's to you Angelbabe and Grantland.

I LOVE this last picture!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Swallowed in the Sea

Last month I was hired by Pacific Seafood to decorate their new conference room. Let me tell you, four completely blank walls really freak me out when it's my responsibility to fill them. I ended up being in charge of everything except the wall color. The company sells seafood and meat products to grocery stores and restaurants. Because they bring clients to their conference room, I wanted all the aspects of the company to be represented. I ended up taking photos to represent fish retail, restaurants and meat retail. Here was the final product...

Next, I had a 30 foot wall to fill. I painted different fish species on plexiglass. This was a huge challenge, because essentially, I had to paint backwards. The paint is actually on the side of the glass that is facing the wall, which meant every highlight and spot on the fish had to be painted first in order for it to show up on the reverse side of the glass. I had to use a mirror so I could see what I was even painting. Eventually, it all came together quite nicely.

Mahi Mahi...
Dungeness Crab...
Yellow Fin Tuna...
The Finished Wall...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's Been a Long Time, I Shouldn't Have Left You

Well, I guess I'm back. Let's try this again, shall we? I haven't been doing a whole lot of photography lately. I've been busy with other random projects, which has actually been kind of great. Since it's been four months (oops), I'll start by catching you up. Back in November, I was hired by my cousin to paint her baby's room in their new house. She envisioned a lot of animals and then I took it from there. Seeing as how I am neither a painter nor a designer, this was quite a challenge, but I was so excited to do it. So, over the time off I had for Thanksgiving, I headed up to Northern California and this was the final product.

This is Ethan, the resident of this little jungle room. Isn't he just precious?